Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 Months with Shelby.....

 May 21st

We celebrated 6 months with Shelby YiLin Mali Grimm this week and I have loaded a few pictures for you.  We feel so blessed to have come as far as we have and to see God's grace for us over the past year.  We are so thankful.  Shelby is doing very well and has finally got to get in the big pool that she has been looking at since we got home.  She was so excited to try it out and had a death grip on Ian.  She decided she liked the pool, but that the water was way to cold for her to stay in for more than 5 minutes.  Shelby is very athletic and loves to play any sports.  She can do perfect push-ups and loves doing sit-ups with us.  She watches very closely as I teach PE and comes home and tries all the exercises out.  She is very strong and a fast runner too.

Silly Girl!

We seriously need to get Marshall's nose looked at!


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Things are going so well with Shelby's progress.  She has become very attached to me and is having trouble sharing me with her's hard to believe that we've come from end of the spectrum all the way to the other end.  I give God all the praise. 

Shelby loves wearing her ball cap, playing the guitar and piano, and singing.  She has memorized 2 verses in the Bible and progressing well with her letters and sounds.  She loves doing school work and really likes it when I let her be the teacher.  We are still praying about whether to homeschool next year, or attend the Christian School that I use to teach at.  We are waiting to hear from the Lord.

I can't say enough about how thankful I am for where God has brought us from.  He has NOT failed us during any part of this journey......but I have sure failed Him.  I'm so glad His grace is sufficient.

Shelby is also looking forward to the day when she can travel back to her China home and see her China Mama and all the boys she use to play with.  She also wants to take a trip and visit her big sisters, Emery MinMin, and Anna YanYan.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Shelby loves playing her guitar in church.

Three Months Home and Doing Great!

During our 3rd month home, Jeremy and I decided to keep Shelby home and only have her out to go to church.  We were hoping that it would help form our attachment and help me to rest my body.  I've been suffering from some depression and staying home for a month would do us both some good.  Thanks to the good Lord above, I am happy to report that we are both so much better now.  Shelby has bonded with me and attached and I can see such a difference in her felt safety.  We hold hands now, snuggle in the bed in the morning, I can rock her to sleep, and she even feels free to talk to me about her China home and her China mama.  I am so thankful to God for all the progress and that he never left me in my dark moments.  I am loading so pictures for you to see......she is precious!

Monday, January 30, 2012


Shelby has been asking for BaBa to take her fishing for a long time now.  Today, Jeremy decided to take her down to the pond for her first try.  She really enjoyed fishing but she kept asking for Mashall and Ian to come too.  Maybe next time.  She even held the fish.   God sure knows what He is doing......I am still amazed at how well she fits into our family.


Saturday was Shelby YiLin's 5th birthday.  We had a huge celebration and invited many family and friends to join us.  We think we had between 75-100 people there.  Shelby spent most of the time riding her new bike around.  We are so thankful for all those who came.  She had a blast opening her gifts when we got home. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Taylor and Shelby

 An answered prayer....
Playing army with the boys


Two months ago, we first met Shelby YiLin.  She was a terrified, shy, and insecure little orphan girl.  Today, she is still shy, but she is A DIFFERENT GIRL.  She is very confident that she is loved.  She is very proud of her 2 "boys" (brothers) and of her Baba.  She is no longer scared....or insecure.....and she is no longer an orphan.  Praise the Lord!  She is a member of a family who respects, cherishes, and loves her.  She is trying to speak sentences and even sings the words to her favorite song, "He's All I Need".  She is learning that Jesus is all she needs and that He is love.  If I forget to pray before a meal, she quickly reminds me.  She is also learning that when she goes to have surgery, her mommy goes with her and stays by her side the whole time.  She's learning that a real Mommy is quite different from the ones she's had at the orphanage.  She is learning that Jesus wants us to love everyone, not just a select few.  She is learning about friendship and what it means to be a friend.  She is learning that she really likes camouflage and guns and that it is so much fun to play in the snow.  She is also learning that Texas Pete Hot Sauce taste great on almost everything.  I could go on and on about everything Shelby is learning. 

But I really should say that I am learning more than she is.  I am learning that there really are worse things that can happen to me than gaining weight........(funny, ...not really.)  I am still in awe of God and how faithful He is.  I am learning to trust Him more, despite NOT being Shelby's favorite person and not getting my way all the time.  I am learning to be content in many different situations and that God has already given me everything I need to accomplish His will.  I am learning that His grace is sufficient.  I am learning that sometimes I go through painful situations or trials so that I can practice being faithful and trusting Him more.  I am learning that He has a More Excellent Way for me.  I guess the best thing I am learning is to be AMAZINGLY FREE in the love of God.  I can't leave this one out......I am learning how blessed I am to finally have a daughter.

 I know, I said, "no camo!" but at least she has pink accessories...
 The Grimm Gang
Shelby's 1st snow....

Just like my baba!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012





More Pictures




Tonight, Shelby had 2 helpings of spaggetti and she covered it with Texas Pete Hot Sauce.  She ate most all of it.  By the time she finished, her little nose was running like crazy.  We were told that girls from Sichuan, China were very spicy.  They are spicy in attitude, behavior, and of course, in the food they eat.  Shelby YiLin doesn't really have a spicy attitude.....but she is stuborn like most Grimms!


Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012

             A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.