Sunday, April 1, 2012


Things are going so well with Shelby's progress.  She has become very attached to me and is having trouble sharing me with her's hard to believe that we've come from end of the spectrum all the way to the other end.  I give God all the praise. 

Shelby loves wearing her ball cap, playing the guitar and piano, and singing.  She has memorized 2 verses in the Bible and progressing well with her letters and sounds.  She loves doing school work and really likes it when I let her be the teacher.  We are still praying about whether to homeschool next year, or attend the Christian School that I use to teach at.  We are waiting to hear from the Lord.

I can't say enough about how thankful I am for where God has brought us from.  He has NOT failed us during any part of this journey......but I have sure failed Him.  I'm so glad His grace is sufficient.

Shelby is also looking forward to the day when she can travel back to her China home and see her China Mama and all the boys she use to play with.  She also wants to take a trip and visit her big sisters, Emery MinMin, and Anna YanYan.