Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 Months with Shelby.....

 May 21st

We celebrated 6 months with Shelby YiLin Mali Grimm this week and I have loaded a few pictures for you.  We feel so blessed to have come as far as we have and to see God's grace for us over the past year.  We are so thankful.  Shelby is doing very well and has finally got to get in the big pool that she has been looking at since we got home.  She was so excited to try it out and had a death grip on Ian.  She decided she liked the pool, but that the water was way to cold for her to stay in for more than 5 minutes.  Shelby is very athletic and loves to play any sports.  She can do perfect push-ups and loves doing sit-ups with us.  She watches very closely as I teach PE and comes home and tries all the exercises out.  She is very strong and a fast runner too.

Silly Girl!

We seriously need to get Marshall's nose looked at!